Packing travel snacks


Traveling is stressful. Traveling with others like a partner, pets, kids, family, friends, etc can only add to the stress. Chronic illness, being sick, A GLOBAL PANDEMIC can add the layers of stress.

Let’s call traveling a giant onion of stress (get it…cause it layers….like an ogre…)


I feel the best way to deal with stress is to peel back the layers and try and deal with each one separately. So here is my advice and how I will be handling a 6.5 hour trip with my partner and doggo.

My first layer of stress is the giant pink elephant in the room……COVID 19. We have hand sanitizer in my car, purse AND 2 extras just in case. We will also be driving back separately as he will be driving a Uhaul with the last of our belongings. So one of those extras will be in the Uhaul with him coming back here. We also have lysol wipes, I will probably pack a large one, as well as 2 of those travel sized wipes. Again, so we can each have one driving back and enough to clean the truck before we head back. We each will have multiple pairs of masks. 

To help minimize us stopping- I will pack food! The trouble here, as anyone with IBS knows, is stress can be a major trigger and cause a flare up. Travel has always been a major factor for me, whether it’s stressful or not. So if you have IBS-C or IBS-D making sure you have the appropriate medication for that. For those like me with IBS-M…..taking the days beforehand to eat Low fodmap and avoid all trigger foods can be really helpful. Also knowing where the rest stops are (whether you’ll need them or not) can ease some stress. Luckily most of my drive is 95 and they are riddled with rest stops in case of emergency.

Let’s talk about the food!

Planning and packing snacks can help you and those you’re stuck in a vehicle with from becoming hangry. We don’t need any of those snickers commercials situations going on. So some of my favorites:

Coconut water- This bad boy is one of my favorites. It’s a refreshing, tasty, and gives a calorie alternative to water. While it does have sugar and salts, these are naturally occurring and in less amounts (brand pending of course) compared to a typical sports drink. It also doesn’t give that sugary mouthfeel after taste that sports drinks provide. I like it as an energy providing, tasty substance for when I am not hungry or don’t want to eat in that moment.

Bars- I am honestly super excited to try these. Bars are super easy to eat and for the most part don’t create much of a mess. We all know that one brand that just crumbles when you open it. These bars being date based will have a nice shape and texture that won’t crumble all over you or your car.

Jerky- Ya’ll this is one of my weaknesses. My boyfriend is not the biggest fan of dried meats but if hungry will eat them, so the teriyaki flavor is for him. This is loaded with salts and sugars from curing it and is not something you should have every day, but as a high protein treat get after it. Like everything else, read the labels and know what you’re getting. Jerky is definitely one of the products that you get what you pay for, so read and compare before you buy.


Packing itself has always been a stress trigger for me, and I have no idea why. I do have a system where I make a list, modify the list, lay out everything I have listed and pack what is actually necessary and put away what I know I wont need. I am a total over-packing but knowing I will extra clothes or options based on my mood and how I am feeling. This system is definitely a process but it’s what I have come to know and it works for me and has helped contain my over packing significantly.

pro tip for my fellow over packers! The system of folding and laying out gives you an actual visual which is so nice. Have all your options out in front of you and pull up the weather where you are going while you have that visual. Looking at the weather and the cloth options at the same time as helped so much. If it’s going be 30 degrees, you don’t need the shorts.

For my dog….my sweet little potato. I got this cute bag off of amazon that has been a saving grace when it comes to packing for him. I have travel food and water bowls as well as a baggie for his food. So I don’t have to cart his giant 28lb bag of food with us! There is also another for dental chews/medicine. the bags main pockets are nice and deep for his CBD chews (homeboy gets ANTSY in the car) , leashes, harnesses and all his sweaters. This bag has made getting him ready to travel so easy honestly, and I know this layer of my stress onion will always be easy to manage.

The next layer of stress is my partner…he will wait to pack until we are supposed to leave. I will just make sure the laundry is done, and pray for my sanity in those minutes I am trying to walk out the door.

Final bits of advice:
  1. Be safe, have your masks, sanitizers and soaps and just be smart when you do stop. 
  2. Plan out your meals, have snacks or know if there is a certain food establishment you want to stop at. 
  3. HAVE CASH FOR TOLLS…..if this applies to you, this is a big deal if you don’t have EZ pass and don’t regularly have to go through these. 
  4. Know the rules/regulations of the state you’re going to. Do some research before you get there about their COVID protocols or if you have to get tested/fill out a form before going. 
  5. Take out your trash and empty the perishables from your fridge before leaving.
  6. Do your dishes before you leave, leave the house tidy so you can come home to something clean.
  7. Have foods ready, foods easy to eat in the car and that will make a minimal mess. 
  8. Be ready for adjustments/changes in plans…you can’t control traffic or route changes (seriously though waze…almost every time I use that app that happens!). 
  9. Have entertainment, phone/tablet/sudoku, anything that helps you keep your brain occupied. If you’re driving, have a few good playlists or podcasts lined up. 
  10. I have to say it- it’s cheesy I know…..but try and have fun and enjoy the process. Once you get on the road there is nothing you can do to look back and change the preparations so remember to go with the flow when you have too!